24/7 Service & Support

Spare parts always available

2 Years warranty on all vehicles

Cart customization service

Short term long-term lease

Delivery everywhere you need

Years warranty on lithium battery

Immediate replacement for any damaged part

12 months free maintenance

3 Years warranty limitted warrenty

Assembled in the KSA

USA Technology


Creating unparalleled experiences for riding golf carts fueled by a passion for enabling a memorable ride enabling a memorable ride 


To increase our current international recognition and to be the first choice for golf course construction in a wide world geography.


Extraordinary Cart is a long-established organization that considers commitment to ethical values ​​as a prerequisite in all its activities and sees ethical rules as one of the cornerstones of its corporate culture; relations with Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Business partners, Competitors and the Public; honesty, responsibility and respect for the right.

Our Clients